Approximately 25 years ago The Clorox Company Foundation
embarked on a special project: establishment of a youth center whose core service
was to provide job training and placement for youth. Over two decades later
The Clorox Company Foundation is still very supportive of
programming from both a financial and volunteer standpoint. The East Oakland Youth
Development Foundation Endowment fund was established in 1983 with a 1.5 million dollar
match provided by Clorox.In 1997, The Clorox Company Foundation again responded to the EOYDC goal of
self sufficiency. Awarding a million dollar grant to be matched dollar for dollar for
contributions over $250. We hoped to grow the 6 million dollar endowment fund to 8 million
dollars. Thanks to the contributions of long time supporters from foundations,
corporations and individuals, we reached our goal four months shy of the December 1998
target deadline.

The EOYDC Foundation Endowment Fund now totals 8 million dollars. The interest (approximately 5%)
contributed to the operating budget annually is approximately 45% of the budget. We want
the endowment to cover approximately 70% of the budget, therefore, our endowment goal is
about $16 million.
We are only half way there - much
more fund raising is in store for us!