Statement |
The mission of the East
Oakland Youth Development Center is based on solid
research which demonstrates that interventions that engage youth from
high risk environments in forming relationships with adults, mastering a
skill and contributing to their own well-being and that of their
community have been found to be highly effective in preventing at-risk
behaviors such as dropping out of school, substance abuse, juvenile
delinquency and teenage pregnancy. We strive to incorporate as well, the
supports and opportunities of relationship building, youth and community
involvement and skill building. The EOYDC strives to lessen the risk factors
faced by our youth and enhance the protective factors. The
EOYDC fulfills this mission by offering educational, cultural, artistic
expression and recreation programs that meet the holistic needs of the
individual. |
The three core programs that characterize the EOYDC’s purpose are Project
J.O.Y., Art, and Physical Development. These departments are structured
in such a way that encourages youth to become self-sufficient and
responsible members of their community. Of primary concern at
the EOYDC is
teaching youth to embrace their unique cultures and to live and work
responsibly and cooperatively with other communities.
The EOYDC recognizes that many of the youth and their families who
participate in its programs often face barriers to participating fully
in their community. The EOYDC further recognizes that individuals must be
given an opportunity to learn marketable skills, attain a basic
education and participate in motivating and inspiring activities.
believes that self-empowerment comes through work experience and
educational opportunities. |
Motivate and prepare youth and young adults for gainful employment in
the job market.
Provide tutorial, remedial and support services to youth and their
families to improve their education and skill performance.
Provide a variety of cultural, arts, recreational and nutrition all
health activities to improve basic living skills and quality of life.
Maintain the center as a community resource facility in which EOYDC
interacts to provide technical assistance and support.
Improve agency personnel practices and policies to be consistent with
similar professional organizations.
Strengthen the financial stability of EOYDC.
Protect existing assets.
Provide adequate facilities and equipment for programmatic needs.
The East Oakland Youth Development Center’s vision
has always been to become a national model for community-based youth
development organizations. This vision has been achieved by adhering to
the following strategic goals: |
Having a motivated and skilled staff
Creating relevant, quality programs
Producing a superior product (trained, qualified and viable youths to
enrich the community.)
Becoming visible with good public relations and community image
Becoming recognized as a strong authority on youth issues
Becoming a community advocate for youth and their families
Being a beacon of hope for other beginning youth organizations and an
inspiration for the community
Graduating hundreds of viable youth on a yearly basis
The EOYDC is committed to forging new
relationships with community, business and government to enhance the
opportunities available for the youth of Oakland today in order to train
them to become Oakland’s leaders tomorrow. |
Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate,") generally refers to patterns of human activity and the
symbolic structures that give such activity significance. |
Manifesto-a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer. |
WE declare that, to the best of our ability, we will extol and model for our youth and others the virtues of moral excellence in a way that is professional, success oriented and goal oriented. We fully expect our youth to learn and uphold the value of decency, good character, kindness, self-respect and temperance while showing much love for self and the community. We further declare that
as we promote and foster these tenets, we hold ourselves accountable and responsible for the young leaders that are under our influence until they are ready to stand firmly and sufficiently to cultivate and nurture, as they have been nurtured, to live and lead with dignity, compassion and integrity. |