October 13, 1997
If I Had Three Wishes By: Danielle M. Weems
If I had three wishes I would wish that my life stays as it is and will be. That would be my first wish because everything in my life has happened for a reason. I could wish that my family never went through the things that we go through, but if we didn’t go through what we have been through then we wouldn’t be prepared for the road that lies ahead of us. If I was to wish that my mother never got sick with cancer, I would still be irresponsible. I wouldn’t be trying so hard to take care of myself, and help my family. I’m still a child at heart, but the times that I have to be grown up I wouldn’t know what to do because I would have never had an experience to prepare me for the situation. I could wish that I had a Leave It To Beaver father. I could wish that he was there all the time. I could wish that he came through for my family and me. But to have that would take away the knowledge that I have on taking care of children. I wouldn’t know what a difference my help makes for my mother. I wouldn’t know how to make it in the real world, because I would be so used to having Daddy come save me. My second wish would be that I remained who I am. Because without me the world would be a lot different. I believe that I am (even though only one person) a big part of this world. Because there are things that I do that would not be if I was someone else. If I wished that I was Elizabeth Taylor then I would be somewhere rich and famous, but there would be no me here to write my poetry. There would be no me here to say encouraging things to people that need to hear them from me. Life would be completely different if I were someone else. If I didn’t stay me then I may be someone who wished for fortune or fame without thinking of the sacrifice that I would be making. So I am glad that I am me. I wouldn’t trade me for the world. As for my third wish I would wish that I always stay blessed and under the mercy of the Lord. I would ask that he keep me of sound mind and body. I would want to be talented in everything that I do. That he always keeps his hand and voice around me. Help me get through the rough times with a smile. Show me the road to take. Walk by my side the whole way. Keep me from harm. Keep me safe. And teach me the way of unconditional love. Well the more I think about it all my wishes are irrelevant. Because I had the Lord already. He put me where I am for a reason. And I know that as long as I am here he will guide me in the right direction. I don’t need to wish for fortune or fame. He will see that I get it by being me. And even in the storm he will let me experience brighter days. |