The following is an accurate representation of the content found in our handbook.

Why go to College?								
Why not go to College?
The Top 10 Reasons to Go to a 2-Year College	
About Colleges								
	What is a community college (CCC)?
	Is a community college right for me?
	About the California State University (CSU)
	About the University of California (UC)
Admission Requirements							
	CCC: admission requirements
	CSU: admission requirements
	CSU: academic performance requirements
	CSU: high school subject requirements
	UC : freshmen admission basics
	UC: eligibility in a state-wide context
	UC: subject requirement
	UC: scholarship requirement
	UC: examination requirements
	UC: eligibility in local context
	UC: eligibility by examination alone
	Independents: admission requirements
The Application Process							
	Making the application process easier
	When to Apply
	Don’t delay filing your application
	How to apply
	How to help the application process
	When will I hear from the college?
	Rejected – now what do I do?
	CCC: how to apply
	CCC: when to apply
	CSU: how to apply
	CSU: when to apply
	UC: how to apply
	UC: when to apply
	Independent College or University: how to apply
	Independent College or University: when to apply
SAT and ACT Assessment Tests							
	Why should I take the SAT and ACT?
	What is the SAT?
	What is the PSAT?
	What is the ACT?
	If I am not happy with my scores…
College Admissions Essay							
	Guidelines for writing a successful admissions essay
	Getting started
	Follow directions
	Keeping the reader engaged
	Avoiding pitfalls
Appealing Admission Decisions							
	Appeal process
	Appeal letter
	Letters of recommendation
	Update and re-send Academic History
Financial Aid								
	What is financial aid?
	Types of aid: financial aid programs
	Applying for financial aid
	Who is eligible for financial aid?
	How much financial aid can I receive?
College Transfer Students							
	CCC: transfer admissions requirements
	CSU: transfer admissions requirements
	CSU: upper-division transfer requirements
	CSU: lower-division transfer requirements
	UC: transfer admissions basics
	UC: transfer admissions guidelines
	UC: transfer GPA
	UC: intersegmental general education transfer curriculum
Types of Degrees								
	Associate Degree
	Bachelor’s Degree
	Master’s and PhD

Why Go to College?


Knowledge, Skills, and More Opportunities


If you go to college, you'll gain information and skills that you'll use for the rest of your life, no matter what career you chose. College will enable you to:

·         Expand your knowledge and skills

·         Express your thoughts clearly in speech and in writing

·         Grasp abstract concepts and theories

·         Increase your understanding of the world and your community


What This Means for You

The benefits above may sound great on their own, but college also has some very practical benefits:

More Job Opportunities

The world is changing rapidly. More and more jobs require education beyond high school. College graduates have more jobs to choose from than those who don't pursue education beyond high school.

Earn More Money

A person who goes to college usually earns more than a person who doesn't. On average, over a lifetime, someone who spends two years in college earns $250,000 more than someone who doesn't.




Why Not Go to College?

 Many students are unsure about going to college, for many reasons. Below are five we've heard before, and why they don't hold water.

1. "I Can't Afford It."

Most students get financial aid to help pay for college, and most aid is based on need. This means that the less money you have, the more aid you might get.

2. "Nobody in My Family Has Ever Gone."

Being first can be hard. For instance, you may have to explain to the family why college is important to you. On the other hand, being first is likely to be a source of pride, for you and for your family.

3. " I Don't Know What I Want to Do with My Life."

Join the crowd. Thousands of college freshmen haven't decided on a major or on a career. College gives you the opportunity to learn more about what's out there. You'll be exposed to a variety of academic subjects, people, and new perspectives.

4. "College Is Too Hard for Me."

Most students think college will be too hard for them. Keep in mind, all colleges offer tutoring and student support. As confident as some students seem, no one goes to college knowing everything -- if they did, why would they go?

5. "I Just Won't Fit In."

Most colleges have students from many backgrounds. To get an idea of what to expect, visit in person. Be sure to ask about the make-up of the student body, and if they have clubs and activities that you're interested in joining.

It Doesn't Have to Be a Four-Year College

If you're not sure about college, or which college, consider attending a community college. Community colleges are public, two-year schools that provide an excellent education, whether you're considering an associate degree, a certificate program, technical training, or plan to continue your studies at a four-year college.