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When I first decided to apply for a job at the East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC) as a Youth Leader in the summer of 2004, I wasn’t sure what I was getting into. I knew Ms. Regina and a few people from the Center, and I would go to a few different events with them every now and then, but I wasn’t all that familiar with it. Little did I know that I would gain so much from working at EOYDC. When I was in the interview I was a little nervous because I really wanted to get the job. I tried to answer all the questions to the best of my ability and tried to show all the interviewers what I was about. A couple of days after the interview, I found out that I got the job. I was so excited. I just had a feeling the program was going to be fun because a few of my close friends had also gotten the job. I couldn’t wait for the Summer Cultural Enrichment Program (SCEP) to start. I didn’t realize until later how much fun I was really going to have. We had a few days of training and on the final day, all of the Youth Leaders got to go bowling. Everybody had a great time. People started to bond and really began to relate to each other. We were having friendly competitions and opening up to each other. Everybody was really open and that helped me break out of my shell a little bit. I was really shy before then, but the night we went bowling helped me with that a little bit. On our first day at the job, we got to meet all the kids we were working with and just tried to warm up to everybody and the new environment (for those who were Youth Leaders for the first time). I think I bonded with the kids quickly and I formed a very strong relationship with most of them. I enjoyed helping them with their art projects, teaching them how to do science activities, and play with them in the gym. I had always loved kids, but this made me enjoy them even more. As the summer went on, the more fun it got. I got closer not only to the kids, but the other Youth Leaders. Ms. Regina would take us to movie premiers or shopping trips (it seemed like it was almost every day) and it was a way for us to continue to bond and form close relationships so that we could all work well together. We always enjoyed each other’s company and never wanted to go home. As the summer began to come to a close, everybody started getting a little sad. None of us wanted to leave the Center. The summer gave us so many fun and exciting experiences and new friendships. The last day of the summer program was both a very happy and sad one for everybody. All of us enjoyed the field trip and had a really good time with each other. It was especially rewarding for me because I received the Youth Leader of the Year award. It came as a shock because I wasn’t expecting to get it at all. I don’t know if I even knew about it at the time. All of the Youth Leaders received certificates and that made everybody feel good. However, it was still a sad part to the day. I remember that when we got back to the Center, there were people crying everywhere (children and Youth Leaders). It was a sad because none of us wanted to leave EOYDC. Since most of us felt like that, a lot of us decided to apply for a job during the school year as tutors in the Homework Center. Doing this really helped a lot of us to stay close with Youth Leaders and some of the kids. Being a tutor also helped us to meet a lot of new kids and tutors. As a tutor, we would help children with their homework and once they finished that, we would play board games with them, play with them outside, and much more. I continued to attach to the kids and have a good time with them. The tutors also continued to bond because Ms. Regina would continue to have movie passes every now and then for us use. Around late January, everybody started to get ready to apply for the Youth Leader position. I was planning on doing the same until, one day, Ms. Regina called me and asked if I would consider being one of the Assistant Directors. I was shocked because I hadn’t given any thought to that. As far as I had known, the position was already filled and I was just going to try to be a Youth Leader again. Plus, I wasn’t sure if I could handle that responsibility. I told Ms. Regina I would consider it, though, and a couple of weeks later I had my interview. I got the job and I was very excited about that. I knew that it was going to be a new experience and I was looking forward to it. The first couple of days after starting the new job, I was a little nervous. I wasn’t sure what to expect and how things would work out. Luckily, things weren’t too bad at all. Mostly because I was working with some great people; Brittany Harris (the Director) and Cierra Stanford (the other Assistant Director) I made phone calls, helped set-up equipment for different presentations and other things that would take place, tried to find different activities for the children to do in their groups once the program started, and a lot more. This was all before the Youth Leaders were even hired. I got excited when it came time to interview and hire the Youth Leaders because I couldn’t wait for the program to start. During the interviews, it was a lot different asking questions than it was answering them. I took notes on what people said and tried to get a sense of who they were. It was funny, though, because I was just in an interview with many of them the year before. Once the program started, it seemed like we were going to have a good summer, and we did, but there were a few bumps in the road. The male Youth Leaders ran into a few problems here and there during the middle of the summer. I’m happy to say that they started to pick up the pieces towards the end, but like I said before, there was still a lot going on. I missed a lot of what happened, however, due to a week that I wasn’t at EOYDC. Ms. Regina told me about a program called the African-American Youth Leadership Program. It was a week long program held at the California State University at Sacramento (CSUS). While we were there, we had many presenters that taught us lessons on how to become successful, how to handle college applications, political processes, and life in general. We even had a mock floor session at the state Capitol. It was a wonderful experience and I got to meet people from all over California. I even knew about 3 people that went (although I had no idea that they were going). I had a wonderful time, yet, once it was over, I was ready to get back home. Once I got back to work, I heard about all the things that happened at the EOYDC and everything that I missed. It felt good to be back because I missed it. I got back into the flow of things and things seemed to cool down after a while (except for the males’ little episode). But, the end of the program started to come around, and people started to get kind of upset again. I remember that on the last day of the program, there were a few people crying (not like the year before) and everybody was filled with emotion again. Ms. Regina had presents to give out to all the Youth Leaders and to the Director and Assistant Directors. They were really nice gifts, some she hadn’t ever given out before (like EOYDC sports bags). Everybody enjoyed the gifts and went around hugging and saying their goodbyes one last time. Even though I wanted to work at the EOYDC again during this school year (2005), I wasn’t able to. I decided that since it is my final year in high school that I need to end it right. I do plan on applying for the Assistant Director position again during the summer and volunteer at the Center when I can, though. I’m even trying to start a chess club at the EOYDC. I just want to thank the EOYDC and Ms. Regina for everything they have done for me. They have helped me with so many different things and given me opportunities that I would not have if it wasn’t for them. I am a little more outgoing and I have great work ethic now because of the Center. I have even been accepted into college now because of EOYDC and Ms. Regina. I was accepted into Michigan State University after applying early and I know that I would not have gotten in if it wasn’t for EOYDC. I have had great experiences there and I hope that I continue to have some more during this summer as the Assistant Director of the Summer Cultural Enrichment Program. Thank you, Ms. Regina and the EOYDC, for everything. Landon Hill, Assistant Director S.C.E.P. |