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My name is Jessica Reed I am 17 years old, and this is my senior year at Skyline High School. I have been a part of the East Oakland Youth Development Center coming up a year now. I began my experience with the EOYDC in the summer of 2006 as a youth leader of the Summer Cultural Enrichment Program and I currently am a Homework Tutor in the Homework Center. I drove by the EOYDC for years not knowing anything about it. My best friend, who was currently working as a youth leader, often brought the EOYDC up in out conversations and would talk about how much fun it was and how I should sign up next summer. I remember her bringing me to a practice for their half time performance at a raider game and introducing me to various members of the staff. Each was so nice and welcoming, as if I was an employee. From that point on, I knew that I wanted to be a part of the EOYDC. I didn’t know how fast the sign up list filled up, and I had to wait a year to be added on the list. That following year u signed up and started attending the trainings; later I was hired as a youth leader.
When I was hired as a youth leader I had no idea how much it would impact my life emotionally, physically, and mentally. I worked at other summer camps and never had an experience like this one I shared with the EOYDC. I was able to work with other teens and help mentor and lead kids so they could later lead others. During the summer I worked with the 10 through 11 year olds and bonded with each one of them. There is nothing better than walking around the mall or grocery store and having a child run up to you and give you a hug, telling their parent that you were the youth leader they were talking about. I worked with a wonderful staff, some which I built strong relationships with and still hang out with outside of EOYDC. I remember every moment working at the EOYDC, from our first field trip to the A’s game to crying with kids and other youth leaders the day before the summer program was over.
I was blessed with so many opportunities through the EOYDC. I was given the opportunity to go on the first college tour sponsored by the Center. I was given the opportunity to visit Howard and Columbia Universities. I had the chance to eat in the congressman’s Dining Hall and have a private lunch with Congressman Jesse Jackson and later went on an exclusive tour, walking by all the “do not enter signs”. I was given the opportunity to stay out in New York to sight see, shop and attend a concert which we had backstage passes to. I attended a summit on the issues of poverty where I was introduced to other important political figures in Washington D.C. I also spent a week in Yosemite on the Big City Mountaineers trip, hiking up to 10,000 feet. The list goes on and on with the opportunities that have been provided for me.
I never would have guessed that this is what the EOYDC had in store for me and I have been here a little less than a year, who can possibly imagine what my future is with the EOYDC? I can’t imagine spending my time anywhere else but the EOYDC I could never get such a rich experience, anywhere else. The opportunities that I’ve had were dreams in the “never going to happen” part of my imagination and I’m glad that I have people such as my co-workers and Ms. Regina who made all of this a reality.
-Jessica Reed, Homework Tutor |