Janiece Clark, 16, is a junior at Berkeley High School in
Berkeley, California and maintains a 4.0GPA. She came to the EOYDC as a
Youth Leader in the Summer Cultural Enrichment Program in 2003. She returned
this summer and again was hired as a Youth Leader for the same program. In
August 2004 she was offered and accepted, a position as the new Computer
Technology Assistant/Youth Computer Instructor.
In addition to her school studies and after-school instructor duties,
Janiece’s youthful energy allows her to participate in various
extracurricular activities. At school, her participation in a dance program
allowed her to perform in the Afro-Haitian Dance Performance. In addition
she performed in the Homecoming Dance Competition where she and her fellow
dancers led the sophomores to victory over the other classes. She is also a
part of the Epiphany Women’s Choir and the First African Methodist Episcopal
Church Mass Choir.
As the Computer Instructor Janiece recalls that she has taken various
computer classes and is excited about the fact that she can use what she’s
learned to benefit those at EOYDC. “I took classes to learn this stuff in
school,” says Janiece, “and I never dreamed that I would be able to teach it
to someone else.” Janiece, having worked with many of the youth in the
summer program, recognizes the importance of a role model in the life of a
child. “I just hope this position will help me to make a difference in a
child’s life. There are many things you can learn about computers, and
hopefully the classes can help some youth achieve greater things in life.”
Upon graduating, Janiece plans on going to college and major in Fashion
Design. She also plans to study abroad in Italy for a year. Her long term
professional goal is to create a signature line of clothing.
Janiece knows that her success in her current position will be important to
the student/instructor that she is, and the professional that she is