The B.C.M. Experience


Dominique Drakeford


The BCM Trip From Dominique’s Perspective


This trip by far was a lot more challenging than the trip that I took about three years ago.  I believe, from what I remember, that there were a lot more hard routes on this trip.  Rock climbing to 10,000 feet was also a challenge, and I’m glad that we were forced to go although none of us really wanted to.  That is an experience that I will also remember, that no one can ever take away from me.  I never thought that I would get up that high, especially when I was at the bottom looking up at the mountain.


Although it was more challenging, I liked this trip a lot more.  I really enjoyed the people I was interacting with, and it felt more like a family than the last trip.  These BCM trips are most definitely bonding trips.  Both trips that I’ve been on helped me to bond with other girls.  With the first trip, I didn’t know any of the girls so we bonded and became close.  We learned about each others strengths and weaknesses.  In comparison to this trip, I knew pretty much everyone because we had worked together all summer, and so I just became a lot closer.  I got to know the individual people better, and see how different they act outside of work.  I really became closer to all of them, and I can honestly say they are my extended family.


This trip also allowed us to have more things, such as a bladder, a lighter, a mosquito net, and in my opinion, better food.  I also liked having the instructor Mark, instead of the three ladies that ran my trip.  We didn’t have to use the dishwashing method this time.  We were able to rinse our bowls out and throw that water out, which was a big relief.  Mark was an incredible leader.  He made the trip go a lot smoother, and he was very trustworthy.  We could go to him if we had any problems, and he just made us all feel very comfortable.  He knew exactly what he was doing, and we all felt comfortable around him, even though he was the only guy.  I also liked playing Mark’s games, which was something that I didn’t do on my previous trip.  Mafia was my favorite game, and I am going to teach people how to play and play it at home.


Because I am like a veteran at this trip, this allowed me to improve my skills, and learn from my past mistakes.  It allowed me to gain more strength and push myself harder because I knew I could do it like I’ve done it before.  I felt like my job was to inspire my peers, and be the strong one in the group.  I was expected not to break down, and to motivate people to keep up the good work, and I think that I did a very good job of doing so.  While I was walking I felt like I had to be in the front or close to it.  Keeping up the front pace seemed a lot easier because it kept me motivated.  If I dragged to the back, I would feel tired, but when you’re in the front you don’t feel drained, and I think the other people in the front felt the same way.


Looking back on all the things that we’ve done is crazy.  We achieved so much in that week.  We all pushed ourselves to the limit.  We did a lot of walking, and I haven’t done that much walking in a long time.  Although I am glad it’s over, I will miss the trip and the entire experience.  I have learned that one weak link will cause the chain to break, therefore I really think that this was a tem effort.  Nobody could have done this all by themselves, and we all played a part in helping each other make it to our destination.


Before the trip started, there were two people who I thought didn’t really like me.  I knew there was a little something between us, but I didn’t know quite what it was.  Grandma (Lanikque), Momma (Darniesha), and I got everything cleared up on the first day.  We both let our feelings out, and got all misunderstandings cleared up and now we are good friends.  I was so elated that this trip enabled us to talk and become more open with each other.  I am a very outgoing person and I love to have a good time.  I love to laugh and be open, and Sarca (Ivie), Ghost (Taahira), Giggles (Breana), Niece (Janiece), Grandma, and Momma all helped me to be in my comfort zone.  Sarca and I bonded really well I think.  We always encouraged each other to get to the top.  That second day of hiking, me and her were way in the front, and we made it there first together by pushing each other.  Ghost and Giggles were not youth leaders so I didn’t know them as well as everyone else.  Their personalities are very different from how I pictured them, and they are both funny people.  I’m glad that I got to know them and become closer with them.  I also spent a lot of time in the front with Grandma, and we too also encouraged each other.  I was able to build off Sarca, grandma, and Momma’s fear to make me stronger, and to help me help them.  Me and Niece were already pretty close, and this brought out our sisterhood more, and we were able to relate with us leaving our boyfriends behind.  Conversing with everyone was a great experience and I will never forget it.


Thank you Ms. Regina and BCM for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime!!


Dominique Drakeford

17 August 2004